The Big Bang: the big release from youvek website

Tuesday, May 5, 2009. It is around 10 am when the train arrives in Bern. We are all a little tense and nervous because a TV crew from Telebasel is already waiting for us at the train station.

We make our way to the media center and are filmed by the camera. Suddenly we have to stop because a team member was asked for a short interview. Shortly afterwards we continue and we reach the media center. We are all quite impressed with the premises. Everything is of course very modern. After looking around a bit, we continue straight away, as we still have an important meeting in the DETEC building.

And then the time has finally come: Moritz Leuenberger enters the room. All attention is immediately focused on him. For 20 minutes he asks us a few questions about our impressions and experiences of the project. He also gives us a few useful tips on how to deal with journalists. Then it’s time to return to the media center. Some photographers and journalists are already waiting for us there.

At 11.00 am, with Moritz Leuenberger and the four team members presenting the website seated at the front, the conference begins. At the beginning, Moritz Leuenberger reports on the project from his point of view. Then it’s our team members’ turn: They describe our ideas, goals and hopes for the project and also our wishes for the continued existence of the website.

After about 15 minutes the presentation is over, but now come the reporters’ questions. But we also master these with confidence: All team members can speak up and some are even questioned in French or English.

When finally the last reporter has asked all his questions, we all head to the restaurant for a well-deserved lunch.

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